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Meeting documents

Licensing Decisions
Wednesday, 8th May, 2013

Ma Kelly's South

The Application

The application for consideration today is for a premises licence for Ma Kelly's South, 239-241 Lytham Road Blackpool.

Permission is sought for
1. Regulated entertainment (live music, recorded music, performance of dance and entertainment of a similar description) 10.00 - 00.00 (01.00 Friday & Saturday)
2.Sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises 10.00 - 00.00 (01.00 Friday and Saturday)

A copy of the application is attached.

The Applicant

The application has been submitted by Paul Kelly

Relevant Representations

Representations have been received from members of the public

Local Policy Considerations


National Guidance



Following discussions with the Council's Licensing Enforcement team the hours for the sale of alcohol have been amended to:
Sunday - Thursday 10.00 - 23.00
Friday- Saturday 10.00 - 00.30

The end time for regulated entertainment will be
Sunday - Thursday 23.00
Friday - Saturday 23.59

The closing time of the premises will be
Sunday - Thursday 23.30
Friday - Saturday 01.00

An additional condition will be added to the licence - the management will carry out daily noise assessments from outside the premises to ensure that all noise escape is minimised so as not to cause unreasonable disturbance to residents in the vicinity.

Background Papers



Members are requested to determine the application.

Record of Hearing

In accordance with the Licensing Act 2003

Panel Members

Councillor Hutton, in the Chair Councillors M Mitchell and Smith

Declarations of Interests

Councillors M Mitchell and Smith both declared that they were members of the Planning Committee but had not considered a planning application in respect of these premises.

Panel Advisers

Miss V Cartmell, Legal Adviser
Mr L Beattie, Clerk to the meeting- Democratic Services
Applicant/Applicant's Representative(s) in attendance

Mr M Woosnam, Applicant's Solicitor
Mr P Kelly, Applicant
Mr M Sugden, Proposed Designated Premises Supervisor

Mr T Haigh, Public Objector
Other Parties

Time permitted to speak

Having considered the written representations, it was agreed to allocate a period of fifteen minutes for all parties
Time Hearing Commenced

10:00 AM
Time Hearing Terminated

10:50 AM

The Panel considered the application submitted in respect of a new premises licence for Ma Kelly's South.

It noted the concerns of the public objectors but also noted that these concerns appeared to be addressed by the conditions offered by the applicant and those subsequently agreed with Licensing Enforcement.

The Panel therefore agreed that the only action it should take to uphold the Licensing Objectives was to grant the licence subject to those agreed conditions.

That the application for the premises licence Ma Kelly's South 239-241 Lytham Road be granted subject to the conditions as agreed with Licensing Enforcement and those already included in the operating schedule.